Mighty Soldier

By Tawha Adnan 

In Kashmir, It was frightening. I was hiding with my family trying to save myself and my family. However, my father was a man having firm believe on Allah Almighty, full of bravery fighting the enemy saving us and others. Not caring that he would be shot or he would die. I still remember that time when suddenly, enemy attacked us from the other side and we got weak. But my father still believed that we can win and save our homeland and he knew that while guarding everyone, his life is at risk. He hugged my mother, my brother, my sister and I saw a smile on his face.

My mother, sister, brother and me also our eyes were full of tears. Seeing him going, we all knew what is going to happen. He was full of profound compassion to eradicate evil forces from our homeland and from the place where Islam is practiced. He has a little number of soldiers with him and went to fight with an army of thousands. At that moment, I recalled the time when Khalid Bin Walid took a small amount of men to fight an army of thousands and he won that fight because of having firm belief on Allah Almighty. We ran to the other side of mountains and my father toward the lake to fight the enemy.

The fight started and Muslims were winning with the help of Allah Almighty .We were mounting pressure on our enemy and pushing them. At the end when we had nearly won that, suddenly a kid entered in the battlefield and a canon came rushing towards him from the enemy to save the kid my father came in front of him and sacrifice his life. I saw that moment and try to run toward him but my family stopped me. Our army did not lose the hope and fight and won the war. When that cannon hit my father, his eyes were filled with tears, not of fear or sorrow but, those tears reflected the pride of being a martyr in the way of Allah. They showed a glimpse of sheer happiness of being able to be of service for his country and religion. Due to sacrifice and the lessons of bravery which he taught me I am today standing at the heights of fame and guarding my native homeland.

About Author
Tawha Adnan is student of 7th semester and teacher's assistant at IIQL Weekend Islamic School.


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